Manage asset metadata
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Asset metadata define details for each asset based on the fields that are defined for that product. Metadata is set for the specific asset, so that each asset of this product type can have different metadata.
Product fields define data that may be relevant for all the assets of that product type. These fields appear on each asset of this product type, so that the fields can be filled in as asset metadata.
Product fields are only available for inventory products.
For example: a product Lawnmower might be associated with fields blade size and horsepower. If assets with serial numbers MOW-101, MOW-102, and MOW-103 are associated with the Lawnmower product, the company can configure each serial number with appropriate metadata (such as 21" blades and 5 horsepower).
Some common use cases for product fields to define asset metadata:
Hardware version
Firmware version
Software version
Model number
Click the "Add field" button to add a new product field. This new field will apply to all assets of this product type. Enter the name of the field and choose the type of data to use for the field. Then click the "Add" button.
The product field order controls how the fields appear on each asset page when viewing asset metadata. The field order can be rearranged using drag-and-drop. Once you have re-arranged the fields, click "Save order" to apply the new ordering.
Hover over any product field and click the pencil icon to edit that field's name. The field's type cannot be changed.