Take charge of your hardware financial operations with Hardfin
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Take charge of your hardware financial operations with Hardfin
Last updated
Hardfin is the software platform that modern hardware companies use to track assets and sales programs with recurring components. These are often hardware subscriptions — usually hardware-as-a-service (HaaS) or hardware-enabled SaaS agreements.
We help equipment-based businesses track assets, manage projects, and run reporting in order to automate processes for the operations and finance teams. If your business has (1) a hardware component and (2) a recurring component, then we can help.
Some of our customers sell assets outright, some lease or rent the equipment, and some provide devices "free" as part of a broader commercial program. All of our customers offer recurring solutions such as services and software.
To manage these challenges, the Hardfin platform is focused on asset operations and project management. Our specialized software enables advanced reporting on device fleets through streamlined import/export and automated connections to data sources. All in service of team members being able to track every project, every asset, every day.
Hardfin helps businesses significantly improve performance through more streamlined operations — leading to more revenue and driving assets to cash faster.